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1E – Confident Emotion

Self-Assured Expression

Believe they have the right to express their interest and emotions about any subject or lack thereof. Believe they understand the importance of human relations and focus on translating their own feelings into meaningful endeavors. Are self-assured and quick to dole out value judgments, express anger, sadness, concern, and all emotions. Trust their own intuition and sense of right and wrong which is always involved in their worldview. Are guided by their inner intuitions about people and use this to deal with friendships and relationships, regardless of what others advise. Prefer to view relationships as static and are quick to change their mind if things sour too quickly on the other end.

Outspoken Role

Will walk you through a monologue of their own emotions and how they feel about anything or anyone. Often give out advice on handling or dealing with relationships. Do not feel like they owe anyone any explanations on how they feel, though this does not stop them from explaining their emotions to others. Sometimes behave in an over-zealous manner when announcing what they find beautiful, ugly, good, bad, right or wrong. Can lead spiritual movements and instruct others on how to get in touch with their own emotions quickly and efficiently. May obsess over certain kinds of art, music, or people. Are intensely affected by emotional landscapes and take ownership over their opinions of them. Relate all incoming experiences into how they make them feel over many different emotional levels.

Blind Spot

May act as they see fit in any situation regardless of what the other party feels is emotionally appropriate. Can openly refuse to conform to social norms in regards to their emotional state. Do not respond well to continuous questions of their feelings and constant attempts at redefining relationships. Can expect that others feel the same way as they do. Dislike to be constantly questioned or challenged about their emotions – will double down on said emotion, and dismiss the other party.

Theoretical Breakdown

The 1E attitude is formed by placing the emotion aspect (E) into the confident position (1st). Confident Emotion (1E) has a strong interest in their own concepts of emotions. All 1E types believe they are sufficient at being involved in matters relating to the emotional world. They may be aggressive about their opinions on relationships, personal feelings, culture, art, deep desires, and person to person interaction. These types tend to focus intently on the personal results that can be obtained from the emotional world which they use to solidify their opinion on these matters.

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