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Third Emotion - The Rusk

As with any Third Function, there is a split in the Third Emotion. Outwardly, such a person almost does not show emotions, but he feels them like a powerful current inside. Therefore, it may seem that he is absolutely indifferent, while in fact he burns with love and suffers from the fact that he cannot express his feelings.

The third Emotion is extremely sensitive to the emotions of others and defenseless against emotional pressure. She is afraid of turbulent feelings, afraid of hysteria - and is completely lost in a situation where she is forced to respond to them. In addition, she is afraid of emotional pain and suffering because she cannot stand it.

In close communication, and even more so in life together, the Third Emotion is often interpreted to be an emotionally impenetrable person. A partner often cannot understand how a person with the Third Emotion feels. On the one hand, he is quite friendly, and on the other, he constantly keeps his distance. Even direct questions do not help. It is very painful for those who crave emotional dialogue.

The key issue for the Third Emotion is distance and proximity. She may want intimacy - but she puts on a mask of coldness and indifference. When the Third Emotion is strained, it reacts by further limiting its expressions which fuels a perpetual cycle of strain and limitation.

On the one hand, the Third Emotion always reaches for emotions wherever it may find them, and on the other, it is afraid to express itself.

The dream of any Third Emotion is to open up, but she is afraid that the outside world will not appreciate and support her. She enjoys the greatest emotional expression, but it simultaneously terrifies her more than anything.

The Third Emotion really like to talk about feelings, breaking them into the smallest shades, experiencing each with all possible completeness. So if the Third Emotion is asked to remember something pleasant, she will remember, savoring every detail, even the most seemingly insignificant little details.

As a child, the Third Emotion is often considered an ideal child. Such a child rarely cries and does not complain about anything. Therefore, parents are free from the need to deal with that emotional stress. However, if the Third Emotion is taught to restrict expression from childhood, it will grow even more sensitive and painfully incapable of an open manifestation of feelings.

Alcohol is one of the few means to resolve the Third Emotion. But, as you would expect, as soon as the effect of alcohol ends, it returns to its sandwiched, closed state, which it experiences most of the time.

The most challenging prompt for the Third Emotion is to "tell me how you feel." This is because she does not fully understand her feelings: she can say that she loves and immediately begin to doubt it. It is important for her to confirm her own experiences in the process of dialogue with others. For the Third Emotion, love is an interaction during which people understand that they love each other.

The Third Emotion can be attracted by the notion of being a psychologist since it allows her to look into the depths of other people's souls. To express this desire to connect emotionally, she may turn to acting, music, or literature.

Sometimes they decide to open up, and an outright outpouring of feelings emerges. Saying "I love you!" and getting into tears is deeply touching to Third Emotion and she can open up to further exposure through confessions. This might look a bit unusual and even a little pathetic.

Third, Emotions are characterized by contemplation. She loves nature because it is safe there. For her, loneliness is important. There she can recover. She also loves animals, and they usually reciprocate. All this is a consequence of difficulties with the expression of love towards people. They can be kind in plentitude, especially in situations where she feels at risk. In society, these are usually nice people who smile at everyone.

They seek to charm people so that they love and cherish her. For the sake of this, she is ready to surrender a lot, including giving in, pleasing, and surrendering her interests, if she fails through other conceivable methods. Fortunately, it rarely comes to that. It is safe to say that the Third Emotion builds relationships only with those who, it seems to her, love her and ignore those who do not like her.

The Third Emotion tends to have deep connections in their relationship, a connection so strong that their former lovers continue to love her long after the relationship is over, sometimes an entire lifetime. They are remembered in the team, although she quit many years ago. And they are always remembered as a soulful person.

The main disadvantage of the Third Emotion is her large number of masks and defenses. In her masks, the Third Emotion can begin to manipulate people. Often, instead of defending her emotional manifestations, she twists events, exposes herself as offended, and through this, evokes guilt in others. Especially often, she applies this technique if a person betrays her feelings. She thinks that if the enemy is tormented by love, which he cannot expel from his heart, and from the guilt that he did not fulfill his commitment to his partner, then he is forced to realize his mistakes.

The Third Emotion loves to pull out a declaration of love from others, and even if she herself is full of feelings at that moment, she still tries to relieve herself of responsibility for these feelings, to transfer it entirely to another person. Let him confess - and she will also laugh at him. But such manipulations are mostly performed unconsciously by the Third Emotion. Inside, she does not recognize it as manipulation.

The "fig leaf" of the Third Emotion is irony. She is characterized by an ironic attitude which manifests as the ability to find a way to ridicule everything. They have an innate humorous gift, and they tend to denounce things with a sharp joke and ironize about all kinds of life phenomena with an absolutely unperturbed appearance.

The Third Emotion tends to downplay even very bright events, impoverish the brightest colors of life, describe the world as grey and faded, and dilute these descriptions with irony and mockery.

Third Emotion appreciates subtle humor, like English jokes, designed for a barely noticeable smile.

The Third Emotion does not tolerate excessive pathos, fancifulness in expressing feelings, and in its manifestations of emotions, tries to prevent anything like this. It would be better to suffer and love in silence. It is also characteristic of her to pull other people back if they go too far with feelings.

Such people do not like bright colors, and they are all wounded by verbose expressions both in colors and in expressions of feelings.

People with the Third Emotion are often distinguished by an even, monotonous voice, something similar to muttering, somewhat similar to a poverty of intonations. The speech is somewhat boring. Poor facial expressions and inexpressive gestures are also characteristic.

The brightest external sign of the Third Emotion is the impossibility of a wide-open smile and a laugh in full voice. The smile comes out tight, laughter - depressed, more like giggling.

In general, the world of the Third Emotion is a world of muffled colors and halftones. Here, external coldness is only a shell beneath which a kingdom of sophisticated experiences is hidden. Here love means so much that the fear of losing it makes her fight. She values a good word and is in great need of a warm attitude. She is the most afraid of the words: "You are a callous cracker, you have no feelings.". And most of all, she dreams of gently purring about everything in the world. But instead, she is ironic, mocking, and looks at life in inverted binoculars with grey glasses.

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