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FVEL - Chekhov

The first Physics gives confidence in interaction with the material world. Chekhov is so confident in his right to own the world around him that he may not even notice it, but he will certainly notice when someone tries to deprive him of the right to own his property. Both objects and people can be considered their own. With all this, the FVEL is not determined to actively change something in “its possessions''. Often he has enough of what is. If not enough, then he will use any extremely simple way to get what is needed.

The third Emotion gives the externally landed Chekhov emotional sensitivity. FVEL subtly feels other people's experiences and has a high level of empathy, while at the same time he is restrained in expressing his own feelings. These qualities can make him a good diplomat or contribute to self-realisation in art. The same desired material benefits for him are not just “to have”, but also one of the means to calm himself, to feel comfortable not only physically, but also emotionally. However, the interaction of 1F and 3E has another side: Chekhov’s experiences blows to his confidence in everyday things. “If they don’t love me here, is this my place?"- something Chekhov may think in a situation that is unpleasant to him. The question “mine or not mine?" is important for the FVEL, and, prompted by his emotions, he will go looking for what he lacks.

The second Will gives Chekhov a desire to discuss plans, persuade, agitate. This is a need and, at the same time, the most active means of influence. Moreover, Chekhov affects not only others like that, but also himself: during the Will process, he is motivated by himself and can forget about the inconvenience of Emotion. 2V makes Chekhov a gentle person who does not assert himself at the expense of others, and at the same time very persistent.

The lack of emotional support (E) is also explained by the reluctance to provide it (V). If during the persuasion the interlocutor expresses a categorical “no” or does not speak out at all, Chekhov will feel uncomfortable: “Am I imposing myself? Am I not interested in him?". And these questions already concern the Third Emotion, which is very naive in terms of other people's reactions.

The fourth Logic almost always remains aloof: it is much easier to ask someone than to think for yourself. Chekhov does not want to reevaluate his understanding of any information, so the source of knowledge must be reliable. From such motives, the FVEL seeks its authority in the field of knowledge. Since knowledge is different, there can be several of these authorities.

Chekhov is a soft, diplomatic type. He is not inclined to criticise anyone, on the contrary, he supports the aspirations of others. Grounded and simple, he can be unexpectedly sensitive and empathic. He easily admits that he may misunderstand things and especially topics of Logic, but in fundamental matters it is extremely difficult to convince the FVEL.

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