First polarity: contact/distant Contact in the subtype means, first, the willingness to draw closer to a problem in the event of stress, accepting the challenge face to face. Distant is the avoidance of direct confrontation, a need for distancing from the problem’s source. Those people who have contact subtypes, in times of stress, are invigorated and excited. When the situation is reverse — for example, if a stressful event makes the person freeze or lose their foothold — such a person should be categorized as having a clearly distant subtype.
Second polarity: terminal/initial Under terminal, we understand the capacity for closure, following from the start to the end of a project or relationship, and a tendency to streamline. The initial subtype, as the opposite, has the ability to initiate, to switch easily to a new activity and multitask in things and affairs. This is somewhat like the familiar dichotomy of rationality/irrationality. However, it would be wrong to think that any rational’s home is kept in order and that he has clear plans, as well as that any irrational discards everything and is weary of planning. In reality, between the extremes are often found two intermediate gradations. People belonging to the terminal pole are firstly pronounced rationals, and then secondly, structured irrationals. Initiating behavior will have pronounced irrationals and unsystematic rationals.
Third polarity: connective/ignorative Basically, this scale represents sensitivity to changes in the external environment. Connective subtypes are very sensitive to such changes, and ignorative subtypes, as the name suggests, don’t pay attention to them.
Combining these three polarities, we get the following four subtypes:
Subtypes can also be called function types, as they are produced on the basis of strengthening separate functions in the given type during the psyche’s functioning process — as in how one responds repeatedly when facing some kind of life challenge. Furthermore, functional types are not so firmly fixed: under enough external pressure and sufficient internal motivation, they may change. In other words, people can upgrade their type to a subtype, or vice versa, go a step lower and surrender their positions through a downgrade of their type.
Dominant subtype functioning is characterized by the following features of behavior in groups: he is designed to compete, is often recognized by others as the leader, sets clear objectives, and is focused on his ambitions, although he claims the contrary. He agrees only to temporary compromises and needs a victory. He acts decisively in complicated situations, exhibiting high performance and indicating who should do what. He’s an authoritarian, but not in the details. He communicates with a wide range of people, but possesses only a small circle of close friends.
Creative subtype functioning is characterized by the following features: an increased need for change, the search for new directions and allies, an obsession with originality, rebellious and individualistic behavior, pugnaciousness, and ignorance of common standards. Also, he is characterized by impulsivity, as well as an aversion to lengthy procedures.
Normalizing subtype functioning behavior manifestations are the following: commitment to accuracy, compliance with rules, discipline, efficiency and persistence in familiar work, but lack of flexibility and indecision in extreme situations. Patience, attention to detail, and conservatism also define the normalizing subtype. He has a narrow circle of trusted friends.
Harmonizing type functioning is characterized within a group by the following: externally he looks calm, though easily loses internal balance even from little exposure; anxious, though he hopes for the best and focuses on proportionality and simplicity. He is emotionally sensitive, compliant, and avoids conflict, and at the same time at close distances can be irritable. He is tolerant for the sake of habitual comfort. He is generous and able to empathize with the weak. Many try to reach him, but he prefers to slip away.
Strengthening of the linear-assertive functions E & P — in any type — forms the dominant subtype, whatever position this pair occupies within the sociomodel. These functions reinforce each other on the principle of resonance: excitement (state E requires work movements (state P), and people moving physically inevitably “start up” emotionally.
Strengthening of the flexible-maneuvering (flexible-adaptive) functions I & F leads to the emergence of the creative subtype. Opportunities intuition I simultaneously resonates with force sensing F. Creative people are rebellious and prone to having the power of originality (and sometimes folly).
Strengthening of the balanced-stable functions L & R creates the normalizing subtype. Structural logic as a set of formal rules is supported by relational ethics, which are guided by informal norms and traditions.
Strengthening of the receptive-adaptive functions S & T develops the harmonizing subtype. These functions are enhanced as pairs because they have similar energy. A state of physical relaxation activates the flight of imagination and vice versa.