Phlegmatic (Dominant)

Phlegmatic (Dominant)
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Phlegmatic (Dominant)

Phlegmatics are naturally service-oriented. They are passive in both favorable and unfavorable environments. They influence their environment by cooperating with others to carry out the task. They tend to not be highly ambitious and they tend to lack a sense of urgency (both due to their passive nature). Phlegmatics are introverted, calm, unemotional, easygoing, indecisive, patient, and agreeable. They are both slow and indirect when responding to others. Phlegmatics are slow to warm-up, but will be accommodating in the process. They are by far the easiest people with whom to get along—as long as you do not try to alter their routine or ask them to change.

Phlegmatics live a quiet, routine life free of the normal anxieties of the other temperaments. They avoid getting too involved with people, and life in general, preferring a private, low-key life-style, centered around home and family. A mother who has the Phlegmatic temperament will often refer to her children as, “My children,” leaving a bewildered look on her husband’s face.

Phlegmatics seldom exert themselves with others or push their way along in their career. They just let it happen. They make good team players. They communicate a warm, sincere interest in others, preferring to have just a few close friends. They are possessive of their friendships and material things. Phlegmatics will be very loyal to their friends. They find it difficult to break long-standing relationships regardless of what the other person does or doesn’t do. However, once a relationship is broken, they seldom return.

Phlegmatics strongly resist change. They need time to adjust when change does occur, especially sudden change. They avoid conflict (which is why they are so accommodating). They resist making quick decisions. Phlegmatics are practical, concrete, and traditional thinkers. Their stoic expression often hides their true feelings. They can be grudge holders. Phlegmatics can also be patient to the point of paralysis. They are persistent, and consistent, at whatever they undertake. Because of their passive nature, they tend to procrastinate easily and often.

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