Aldo Moro

Historical Figures (1900s) (Click Me)

ISTJ - 1w2 - Phlegmatic-Sanguine - ESI

Aldo Romeo Luigi Moro (23 September 1916 – 9 May 1978) was an Italian statesman and a prominent member of the Christian Democracy (DC). He served as 38th prime minister of Italy from December 1963 to June 1968 and then from November 1974 to July 1976. Moro also served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from May 1969 to July 1972 and again from July 1973 to November 1974; during his ministry he implemented a pro-Arab policy, which characterised Italy during the 1970s and the 1980s. Moreover, he was appointed Minister of Justice and of Public Education during the 1950s. From March 1959 until January 1964, Moro served as secretary of the Christian Democracy. On 16 March 1978 he was kidnapped by the far-left terrorist group Red Brigades and killed after 55 days of captivity.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ISTJ (3)


1w2 (1)


Phlegmatic-Sanguine (1)


ESI (1)

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