Ali Bouali

European, Musicians (Click Me)

ENTJ - 3w2 - Choleric-Sanguine

Ali Bouali, known professionally as Ali B (born 16 October 1981), is a Dutch rapper. He is one of the most well known rappers in the Netherlands and he has performed together with Akon and Dutch artist Marco Borsato. In 2007 he made an Arab Remix of Akon's song "Ghetto." He is seen as a prominent figure in Dutch inter-ethnic relations. In 2011 he was given his own television-show for broadcast on TROS -station; Ali B op volle toeren invites young rappers and (established) artists of other genres to make cover-versions of each other songs. Since 2013, Ali B has served as a coach on The Voice of Holland (replacing Roel van Velzen) and The Voice Kids (replacing Nick & Simon). In 2016 Ali B released a single with long-time collaborator Brace and chart-topping reggae-artist Kenny B. In 2017 he made his acting-debut in the Belgian movie Patser'; the premiere was early 2018.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ENTJ (1)

ESFP (1)


3w2 (1)

8w7 (1)


Choleric-Sanguine (1)

Sanguine [Dominant] (1)

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