Ali Murtopo
Historical Figures (1900s) (Click Me)ENTP - 3w4 - LSI
Ali Murtopo (Kebumen, Central Java, 23 September 1924 – Jakarta, Indonesia, 15 May 1984) was a prominent Indonesian general and political figure during the first half of General Suharto's New Order regime. Ali Murtopo was also known as a thinker and a spymaster, contributing much to Suharto's regime in terms of overt and clandestine effort to consolidate the regime's grip, and such, he held several government positions in his career including being Minister of Public Enlightenment (1978-1983), and Deputy Chief of State Intelligence Coordinating Agency (BAKIN) (1969-1978).
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ENTP (2)
ESTP (1)
3w4 (3)
LSI (1)
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