Anya Jenkins
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) (Click Me)ESTJ - 3w4 - sp/sx - 371 - Choleric [Dominant] - VFEL - SCOEN - Chaotic Neutral - LSE
Anya (portrayed by #EmmaCaulfield) is a 1,120-year-old former vengeance demon (Anyanka) who specialized in avenging scorned women. After being forcibly stripped of her demonic powers by Giles, the character is forced to re-learn how to be an ordinary human, a journey which is portrayed as both comical (e.g., her fear of rabbits and her love of money) and poignant (e.g. her grief over Joyce's death). Her story is largely focused on her romantic relationship with Xander, and like many characters on the show, she is portrayed as morally ambivalent.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ESTJ (52)
3w4 (17)
7w8 (7)
Instinctual Variant
sp/sx (6)
sp/so (1)
sx/sp (1)
371 (3)
358 (1)
385 (1)
738 (1)
Choleric [Dominant] (5)
Attitudinal Psyche
VFEL (1)
SLOAN (Big 5)
Alignment System
Chaotic Neutral (3)
LSE (1)
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