Asuka Langley Soryu
Shin Seiki Evangelion Kōtetsu no Gārufurendo 2nd (Click Me)ESFP - 4w3
Asuka Langley Soryu is a redhead with a fiery temper, and although friends with Shinji she often torments him. Her rage is especially violent at the beginning of the series: she is openly hostile with Kaworu and splashes boiling water on Shinji in a jealous fit during a cooking class. However, she cares deeply for her friends and will aid or defend them when she is able. She has appointed herself as Shinji's chaperon and has a clear sense of right and wrong. Although she can be demanding, in truth she doesn't want to burden anyone or feel useless, especially to her parents or Shinji, similar to the original character's feeling of inferiority in the anime series.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ESFP (2)
ENTJ (1)
4w3 (2)
8w7 (1)
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