Ava Ayala

The Ultimate Spiderman (Click Me)

ISTJ - 1w9 - sp/sx - 152 - Choleric [Dominant] - RLOAI

Ava is a leader, and a strong-willed, down to business kind of girl. She gets along with Spider-Man and her other teammates as they fight villains together. She is definitely the most determined, and most apt about her S.H.I.E.L.D. opportunities than her other teammates, and will sometimes even cut them some slack when they goof off. She usually has a few good wisecracks for them. She has been known to go to school on Saturdays and to do homework during transportations to and from missions. She is a hard-working A+ student who earns her grades while secretly working with the boys to keep New Yorkers, and other citizens safe. Ava is so strong-willed and strives to be "perfect" in order to keep the tiger side of her contained. The prices that come from wearing the amulet. Her father and grandfather were both killed by Kraven the Hunter when they were unable to keep themselves in control.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ISTJ (9)

ESTJ (1)


1w9 (3)

Instinctual Variant

sp/sx (1)


152 (1)


Choleric [Dominant] (1)

Choleric-Phlegmatic (1)

Phlegmatic-Choleric (1)

SLOAN (Big 5)


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