Total Drama (2007) (Click Me)INTP - 5w4 - so/sx - 538 - Choleric-Melancholic - RCOEI - ILE
Izzy's new genius persona continued in Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon, being introduced as "Brainzilla". Aside from wearing Izzy's regular outfit, Brainzilla wears a pair of half-rim eyeglasses with a lime-green optical tint and wears her hair up in a bun. In addition, she refers to people as "carbon-based life forms", and she refers to herself in third person. In a last-ditch effort to raise $1,000,000, Geoff sets Brainzilla up to play a brand-new aftermath segment, Brain-Blast. She is "blitzed" with skill-testing questions that are harder depending on the size of the donation. One wrong answer and her straps will unlock, sending her into shark-infested water. Brainzilla answers all of her questions correctly but after several turns, the wheel breaks off and rolls off-set with Brainzilla still attached to it. The resulting crash struck another blow on Izzy's head, returning her to her usual self.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
INTP (13)
ENTP (1)
5w4 (7)
Instinctual Variant
so/sx (2)
538 (2)
Choleric-Melancholic (2)
SLOAN (Big 5)
ILE (2)
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