Brock Fitzgerald Samson
The Venture Bros. (Click Me)ISTP - 8w9 - sp/sx - 863 - Choleric-Phlegmatic - RLUEN - Lawful Neutral - SLE
Though he has become a well-developed, three dimensional character, Brock mostly embodies the 'strong, silent' stereotype. He usually speaks in a low, gravelly deadpan and maintains a casual aura. He speaks calmly in anything short of the most urgent circumstances, and his level voice is sometimes at odds with a crazed facial expression. During said moment, Brock will take down every enemy in sight but despite that, he refuses to kill women and children due to his teachings from Colonel Hunter Gathers. He loves fighting and killing seeing his agent duty as his true purpose even, though he sometimes doubts his lethal actions. Brock's personality has evolved considerably throughout the series. In the beginning of the series, he seemed to be hostile and closed off to most of the family. While loyal to them and has shown to care about them, he largely ignored them, focused on brutally murdering his enemies and having sex as often as possible.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISTP (24)
8w9 (15)
Instinctual Variant
sp/sx (9)
863 (6)
Choleric-Phlegmatic (5)
SLOAN (Big 5)
Alignment System
Lawful Neutral (2)
SLE (1)
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