E. Aster Bunnymund
Rise of the Guardians (2012) (Click Me)ISTJ - 1w9 - sp/so - 125 - Melancholic [Dominant] - FVEL - Lawful Good - ESI
E. Aster Bunnymund is the Rise of the Guardians re-imagining of the Easter Bunny, speaking with an Australian accent and known as the Guardian of Hope. Bunnymund is a Pooka, a philosophical warrior rabbit, and used to live in a village with other Pookas on his homeworld before they were wiped out, leaving him as the only survivor. He currently lives on Earth in his Warren, an oasis deep under the surface of Australia that is said to be the birthplace of spring. He is voiced by #HughJackman. #ISTJHeroes
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISTJ (70)
ISTP (9)
1w9 (30)
Instinctual Variant
sp/so (8)
125 (7)
Melancholic [Dominant] (7)
Choleric-Melancholic (1)
Melancholic-Choleric (1)
Melancholic-Phlegmatic (1)
Attitudinal Psyche
FVEL (2)
Alignment System
Lawful Good (5)
ESI (2)
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