Faith Lehane
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) (Click Me)ESTP - 6w7 - sx/sp - 684 - Choleric-Sanguine - VFEL - SLUEN - Chaotic Neutral - SLE
Faith Lehane ( #ElizaDushku ), a Slayer, is called when Kendra is killed by the vampire Drusilla. When she arrives in Sunnydale, she fights alongside Buffy and the Scooby Gang. After accidentally committing murder, she indulges her violent tendencies and joins forces with the Mayor. She falls into a coma after Buffy stabs her. She wakes up eight months later in Buffy’s body. After being defeated, she flees to Los Angeles and accepts a contract to kill Angel. Angel is able to rehabilitate her, and she confesses to her crimes and goes to prison. Three years later, she breaks out to capture Angelus when Wesley informs her that he has been released. After Angel is re-ensouled, Faith reluctantly returns to Sunnydale to stand with Buffy against the First Evil. She temporarily leads both the Scoobies and the Potentials when the general faith in Buffy dissolves. Faith shows a darker, dangerously fun-seeking approach to both slaying and murder; she is the dark side of a Slayer's personality.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ESTP (63)
6w7 (29)
8w7 (9)
7w8 (5)
Instinctual Variant
sx/sp (14)
sx/so (2)
684 (13)
Choleric-Sanguine (8)
Choleric [Dominant] (6)
Attitudinal Psyche
VFEL (1)
SLOAN (Big 5)
Alignment System
Chaotic Neutral (5)
Chaotic Good (1)
SLE (4)
IEI (1)
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