Frog Lady

The Mandalorian (2019) (Click Me)

ISFJ - 2w1 - sp/sx - 261 - Melancholic-Sanguine - Neutral Good - ESI

"Frog Lady" was the nickname of an amphibious female creature who was escorted by Din Djarin. Frog Lady talked to Peli Motto about getting an escort from the planet Tatooine to the estuary moon of Trask because she had eggs that needed to be fertilized by her husband. During their journey, Frog Lady slept in the cockpit, unaware that Grogu took an interest in her eggs and ate some of them. After crashing on Maldo Kreis, Frog Lady went for a bath in a natural hot spring to incubate her remaining eggs. Frog Lady had a prehensile tongue that could be used to grasp objects and she was also able to run on all four legs with a leaping motion to escape ice spiders.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ISFJ (24)


2w1 (13)

Instinctual Variant

sp/sx (1)

sx/sp (1)


261 (2)

215 (1)


Melancholic-Sanguine (1)

Alignment System

Neutral Good (2)


ESI (1)

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