Galarian Stunfisk
Pokémon (Click Me)ISFP - 9w8 - sp/sx - 954 - Phlegmatic-Choleric - ESI
Galarian Stunfisk is grayish-brown, with three green markings similar to footprints on its body. It cannot generate electricity, but the high iron content of the mud it lives in has strengthened its fins, which have been adapted into an apparatus akin to a bear trap. Galarian Stunfisk leaves its red and white mouth, which looks similar to a Pokéball, visible to lure in prey, and then slams its fins shut on them so they cannot escape. It is the only known Pokémon capable of using the move Snap Trap.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISFP (1)
9w8 (1)
Instinctual Variant
sp/sx (1)
954 (1)
Phlegmatic-Choleric (1)
ESI (1)
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