Grapefruit Cookie

Cookie Run (Click Me)

ESTP - 7w8

Always on her candy roller skates, Grapefruit Cookie seems to have an unlimited supply of energy! Shiny neon tights? Check! Quirky grapefruit helmet? Check! Is there anyone more stylish at the roller rink? No! 3, 2, 1, GO! Grapefruit Cookie skates with tremendous passion, and finds pleasure in greeting the others at the finish line with triumphant "Haha! Too slow!". That might seem mean, but let's admit it – she has some skill! Fun fact: Grapefruit Cookie hates ball games. After all, why should she like them?

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ESTP (9)

ESFP (2)

ISTP (1)


7w8 (6)

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