Isabella Rossellini
Actors & Actresses (Europe) (Click Me)ISFP - 2w1 - so/sp - 269 - Melancholic-Phlegmatic - SEI
Isabella Rossellini (born 18 June 1952) is an Italian-American actress, filmmaker, author, philanthropist, and model. The daughter of the Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman and the Italian neorealist film director Roberto Rossellini, she is noted for her successful tenure as a Lancôme model, and for her roles in films such as Blue Velvet (1986) and Death Becomes Her (1992). Rossellini received a Golden Globe Award nomination for her performance in Crime of the Century (1996).
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISFP (5)
INFJ (4)
ENFP (1)
ESFJ (1)
2w1 (3)
7w6 (1)
Instinctual Variant
so/sp (1)
269 (1)
Melancholic-Phlegmatic (1)
SEI (1)
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