Jeanne Hébuterne

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ISFP - 3w4

Jeanne Hébuterne (6 April 1898 – 26 January 1920) was a French artist best known as the frequent subject and common-law wife of the artist Amadeo Modigliani. She took her own life two days after Modigliani died, and is now buried beside him. A beautiful girl, she was introduced to the artistic community in Montparnasse by her brother André Hébuterne, who wanted to become a painter. She met several of the then-starving artists and modeled for Tsuguharu Foujita. Wanting to pursue a career in the arts herself, and with a talent for drawing, she chose to study at the Académie Colarossi, where in the spring of 1917 Hébuterne was introduced to Amedeo Modigliani by the sculptress Chana Orloff, who came with many other artists to take advantage of the Academy's live models. Ten years later, the family agreed to have her remains transferred to Père Lachaise Cemetery to rest beside Modigliani. Her epitaph reads: "Devoted companion to the extreme sacrifice."

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