Komi Shouko (Manga)

Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu. (Click Me)


"Komi-san is bad at communication." Komi Shouko (古 見 硝 子), is the second main character in the Komi-san wa manga and anime series, Komyushou desu. Shouko is a very shy, curious, and polite girl, who has a communication disorder and therefore cannot utter a word or sound in her daily life due to anxiety and fear of rejection. Despite this, she intends to make 100 friends and then overcomes this adversity. Her first friend was Tadano Hirohito, who soon realized her inability to communicate well and decided to help her get 100 friends. With Tadano's help, she tries to socialize and befriend the other students in her class.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

INFJ (3)

INFP (2)

ISTJ (1)

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