Nanase Kishibe
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Click Me)ISFJ - 6w5 - sx/sp - 648 - Phlegmatic-Choleric - LFVE - RLOAI - ESI
Nanase Kishibe (岸辺 奈々瀬 Kishibe Nanase), previously known as Nanase Fujikura (藤倉 奈々瀬 Fujikura Nanase) is a character from Rohan at the Louvre. Nanase presents herself as an amiable and familiar woman to Rohan, taking an immediate and open interest in his work and praising it. Nanase for instance didn't mind Rohan's interest in her. However, she also has an unstable side, having two unexpected bursts of anger when Rohan eavesdropped on one of her phone calls and again when she saw that he used her as a model for his drafts. Her ultimate goals were benevolent in part, as she wished to seal away the curse of her late husband's painting, but she also wished to be free from it, using Rohan and risking his life to seal the curse.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISFJ (2)
6w5 (1)
Instinctual Variant
sx/sp (1)
648 (1)
Phlegmatic-Choleric (1)
Attitudinal Psyche
LFVE (1)
SLOAN (Big 5)
ESI (1)
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