Ndee Naldinho

Brazil, Musicians (Click Me)

INFP - 5w4 - sp/sx - 583 - Phlegmatic-Choleric - RLOAI - EIE

José Carlos Souza Silva, known by his stage name Ndee Naldinho, (São Paulo, May 26, 1969) is a Brazilian singer and songwriter. He is one of the first names in Brazilian rap to have participated in recorded albums of the rap genre, having recorded his first participation in a disc in 1988 in the collection "O Som das Ruas" when he was still known only by Ndee Rap. Ndee Naldinho together with Thaíde, the members of RZO and the members of Racionais MC's, was one of the few regulars at the meetings of the early Hip hop culture in Brazil in the late 1980s, at São Bento Station (São Paulo Metro) who maintained a long and recognized career, maintaining relevance in the scene with striking hits over the decades. With his strong bass voice, Ndee Naldinho is considered one of the most important and respected names in the history of Rap in Brazil.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

INFP (2)


5w4 (1)

Instinctual Variant

sp/sx (1)


583 (1)


Phlegmatic-Choleric (1)

SLOAN (Big 5)



EIE (1)

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