Nina Gray

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ENFJ - 2w3 - 271

Nina Gray is an American entrepreneur, dentist, and social-media influencer. The award-winning doctor is the founder and CEO of 'Dental Plus California' and has been a leading figure in the American medical arena. Nina has contributed to a few research and development projects related to dentistry. An advocate of fitness and healthy eating, Nina is a newbie in the field of vlogging. She owns a 'YouTube' channel that primarily showcases her life with her two daughters. Nina came under the media spotlight after her elder daughter publicly criticized her parenting abilities. The whole episode was just for a raise in her monthly allowance. Nina is a divorcee and has single-handedly raised her two daughters. As a result, she could not be strict with them and that eventually caused her a lot of mental trauma. However, Nina's issues with her daughter got resolved later. She now often gets featured on her daughter’s (Nicolette Gray) 'YouTube' channel.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ENFJ (2)

ESFJ (1)


2w3 (2)


271 (1)

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