Pannacotta Fugo
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (Click Me)INTP - 6w5 - sp/so - 614 - Melancholic-Choleric - LVEF - RLOEI - True Neutral - ILI
Pannacotta Fugo (パンナコッタ・フーゴ Pannakotta Fūgo) is a side character and former ally featured in Vento Aureo, and the protagonist in Purple Haze Feedback. A young and quick-tempered strategist, Fugo is a member of Bucciarati's team and, by extension, Passione. He follows Giorno and Bucciarati in their mission to protect Trish Una. In addition to being one of the more calculated members on the team, he possesses the particularly deadly Stand, Purple Haze. #JunyaEnoki
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
INTP (333)
6w5 (162)
5w6 (57)
Instinctual Variant
sp/so (45)
sp/sx (8)
614 (43)
684 (10)
584 (6)
Melancholic-Choleric (46)
Phlegmatic-Choleric (9)
Choleric-Melancholic (6)
Attitudinal Psyche
LVEF (13)
SLOAN (Big 5)
RLOEI (32)
RLOAI (12)
Alignment System
True Neutral (30)
Chaotic Neutral (3)
Neutral Good (3)
ILI (30)
LII (3)
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