Quanah Parker

Historical Figures (1800s) (Click Me)

ENTJ - 8w7 - sx/so - 873 - SCOEI - SLE

Quanah Parker (from Comanche "kwana", meaning "smell" or "odor") (c. 1845 - February 20, 1911) was a war leader of the Kwahadi ("Antelope") band of the Comanche Nation. He was the son of Kwahadi Comanche chief Peta Nocona and Cynthia Ann Parker, an Anglo-American woman. Following the apprehension of several Kiowa chiefs in 1871, he emerged as a dominant figure in the Red River War. Parker was never elected chief by his people but was appointed by the federal government as principal chief of the entire Comanche Nation, and became a primary emissary of southwest indigenous Americans of the United States legislature. After his death in 1911, the leadership title of Chief was replaced with Chairman; Quanah Parker is thereby described as the "Last Chief of the Comanche".

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ENTJ (1)


8w7 (1)

Instinctual Variant

sx/so (1)


873 (1)

SLOAN (Big 5)



SLE (1)

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