Music Producers & Engineers (Click Me)ISTP - 1w2 - sp/sx - 136 - VFLE
Isabelle Rezazadeh,born March 28, 1995; Ukraine) known by her stage name REZZ, is a Canadian DJ and record producer from Niagara Falls, Ontario. She released her debut EP, Insurrection in 2015 through OWSLA's sub-label Nest HQ. In 2016, she signed with Deadmau5's record label Mau5trap, and released follow-ups The Silence is Deafeningand Something Wrong Here. On August 4, 2017, Rezazadeh released her debut studio album, Mass Manipulation, with its follow up, Certain Kind of Magic, released in 2018.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISTP (4)
ISFP (2)
1w2 (1)
Instinctual Variant
sp/sx (1)
136 (1)
Attitudinal Psyche
VFLE (1)
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