Robin Lakoff

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INFP - 5w4 - sx/so - Melancholic-Choleric - ESE

Robin Tolmach Lakoff (/ˈleɪkɒf/; born November 27, 1942) is a professor of linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley. Her 1975 book Language and Woman's Place is often credited for making language and gender a huge debate in linguistics and other disciplines. Robin Lakoff, whose book "Language and Woman's Place" is the first official research in this field, once argued that: "the marginality and powerlessness of women is reflected in both the ways men and women are expected to speak and the ways in which women are spoken of." For example, some feminist language researchers have tried to find how the advantages of men had manifested in language. They argue how, in the past, philosophers, politicians, grammarians, linguists, and others were men who have had control over language, so they entered their sexist thoughts in it as a means to regulate their domination.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

INFP (2)

ESTJ (1)


5w4 (1)

9w8 (1)

Instinctual Variant

sx/so (1)


Melancholic-Choleric (1)


ESE (1)

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