Egyptian (Click Me)ISFP - Choleric-Melancholic
Shou [1], (in ancient Greek Σῶς / Sỗs or Σῶσις / Sỗsis) is a god of Egyptian mythology who is part of the great Enneas of Heliopolis. The name of the god can be translated in various ways. It seems to derive from a root, shouy, meaning either "the void", or "to rise", "to raise". The same term is attested in everyday language, since the Middle Kingdom, with the meaning "light". Shou can therefore be translated as "luminous air", "radiant and invigorating vibration", the term shout-Rê corresponding, roughly speaking, to "feather of light". Finally, we have seen that the name also contains the idea of "raising", "raising", which also corresponds to one of the functions of Shou: he is "He who rises", but also "He who lifts", implied Nut, the sky.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISFP (3)
ISFJ (1)
Choleric-Melancholic (1)
Choleric-Phlegmatic (1)
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