Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) (Click Me)ISTP - 8w7 - sx/sp - 847 - Sanguine-Melancholic - VFEL - SCUEI - Chaotic Neutral - SLE
Spike ( #JamesMarsters ) is a vampire character whose role varies dramatically through the course of the series, ranging from a major villain to "love's bitch", to the sarcastic comic relief, to Buffy's romantic interest in a relationship that grows from miserable lust to a friendship, and eventually to a self-sacrificing hero, dying as a Champion at the Hellmouth. His path to redemption subsequently resumes in L.A. (in season five of Angel), where his resurrected character continues to develop into a selfless hero and reconciles with his former nemesis and love rival, Angel, and occasionally works with him. Spike is known for his Billy Idol platinum hair (Buffy mentions in one episode that Spike doesn't style his hair like Idol's, but the other way around), his catch-phrase "bloody hell", and his black leather duster, which he acquired after killing his second Slayer. #ISTPVillains & #ISTPHeroes
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ISTP (53)
INFP (12)
ISFP (6)
8w7 (26)
7w8 (11)
4w5 (6)
Instinctual Variant
sx/sp (12)
sp/sx (2)
847 (5)
487 (3)
748 (2)
874 (2)
287 (1)
Sanguine-Melancholic (5)
Choleric-Sanguine (1)
Melancholic-Sanguine (1)
Attitudinal Psyche
VFEL (2)
FLEV (1)
SLOAN (Big 5)
Alignment System
Chaotic Neutral (4)
SLE (6)
ILE (1)
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