Sujiwo Tejo

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ENTP - 7w8 - IEE

Agus Hadi Sudjiwo (born in Jember, East Java, 31 August 1962) or commonly known as Sujiwo Tej, is an Indonesian artist. He studied at ITB, but then dropped out to pursue his artistic career. He had worked as a journalist in Kompas for 8 years but then change his career choice as a writer, painter, musician and "dalang". He also have been working as a film director and actor in several films like Janji Joni and Detik Terakhir. Sujiwo Tejo also do theaterical plays in KabaretJo an abbreviation of "Ketawa Bareng Tejo" (Laughing with Tejo). In his performance as a dalang, he often avoided cliches, such as when he made Rahwana as the "good guy", made Pandawa not always good in their cause and so on.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ENTP (6)

ENFP (1)


7w8 (1)


IEE (1)

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