
Brassic (Click Me)

ENTP - 4w3

Tommo is part of a group of friends that includes Vinnie they go around there every day life doing stupid things but never get there own way. He works at the Garage and also runs a sex dungeon. Tommo is a bit of a loner but very content with his lot in life. He has no family and he is happiest when he is wanking or shagging. Turning his passion into a business, he makes money holding secret S&M(sadism and masochism) nights for rich local businessmen, barristers and brigadiers. Tommo's take on life is extremely liberal: he does what he wants, when he wants and is the one in the gang who never cares what people think. He is loyal to the boys and they are the only ones that seem to give a shit about him; everyone needs someone, and Tommo needs them more than he lets on.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ENTP (1)


4w3 (1)

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