Valerie Constantine

Far Cry (Click Me)

ISTJ - 6w5

Valerie Constantine is Jack Carver's client who hired him to take her to the archipelago in Micronesia. She is an outgoing, confident and rather mysterious woman, who leaves the player wondering if there is more to her life than she gives on. She claimed to be a photo journalist working for Exotic Travel Magazine intent on photographing WW2 Japanese ruins. Upon arrival at the archipelago, she departed on a jet ski leaving Jack alone on his sailboat Medusa. Soon after, Jack's boat was sunk by mercenary soldiers. Later, when he wakes up in an abandoned Japanese bunker, Valerie is already captured by the mercenaries.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ISTJ (1)

ISTP (1)


6w5 (1)

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