VN Vinte

Brazil, Musicians (Click Me)

VN Vinte (Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro). VN Vinte is a young Brazilian Trapstar. this singer, walked together with Meno Tody for a great number of months, after the other was betrayed by his former best friend: LX Almeida... VN, who despite not having such a well-established and recognized fame, but fight for this. Sings a few years ago and managed to be recognized in the middle of the real trap in 2020, when he joined Meno Tody at the end of that same year, appearing in a live video on Instagram, which Meno Tody opened, shortly after he returned to the internet, no one knew him until that time. he has a few singles, a feat and has already done a web-series. Your age is unknown.

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