Wade Barnes (LordMinion777)

Gaming (Click Me)

ESFJ - 6w7 - sp/so - 629

George Wade Barnes (born: April 3, 1989), better known online as LordMinion777, is an American gaming YouTuber. Goes by his middle name Wade. He is best friends and a collaborator with a popular YouTuber known as Markiplier, and is also friends with Jacksepticeye, muyskerm and CrankGameplays. He currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. Markplier and Wade have known each other since middle school, having passed each other occasionally, and attended the same high school together. Sometime following the loss of Mark's previous channel due to an issue with Adsense, as well as the resulting discouragement, he and Wade met and conversed on a balcony for about three hours regarding future potential, encouraging Mark to reboot his efforts and start his current channel.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ESFJ (11)

ISFP (8)

ISFJ (3)

ENTP (2)


6w7 (7)

6w5 (1)

7w6 (1)

Instinctual Variant

sp/so (1)


629 (2)

794 (1)

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