
The Thing (1982) (Click Me)

ISFP - 6w7 - sp/so - 649 - Melancholic [Dominant]

Windows was shown to be a rather cowardly individual, with his fear and hesitation eventually being what resulted in his death. He was also very easily agitated, snapping after Blair told him to reach someone on the radio and raising his voice unnecessarily high on several occasions. He had an especially heated relationship with Palmer, and the two frequently bickered and screamed at one another due to them not trusting each other, with Windows attempting to attack Palmer twice. His impulsive and brash behaviour, however, did not result in him being outed as a suspect, and he was actually surprisingly well trusted by most of Outpost 31, especially by MacReady. Windows was actually one of the only people who genuinely believed MacReady was human and could very well lead them to safety.

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

ISFP (7)

ESFP (1)

INFP (1)

ISFJ (1)


6w7 (3)

Instinctual Variant

sp/so (1)


649 (1)

684 (1)


Melancholic [Dominant] (1)

Melancholic-Choleric (1)

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