Zack De La Rocha
Hard Rock & Heavy Metal (Click Me)ENFJ - 1w2 - so/sp - 125 - Choleric-Phlegmatic - VLEF - SCOAI - EIE
Zacharias Manuel de la Rocha (born January 12, 1970) is an American musician. He is best known as the vocalist and lyricist of rap metal/funk metal band Rage Against the Machine. He left Rage Against the Machine in October 2000 and embarked on a solo career, although the band reunited from 2007 to 2011.
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
ENFJ (46)
INFJ (39)
1w2 (29)
2w1 (3)
Instinctual Variant
so/sp (6)
sx/so (1)
125 (4)
162 (1)
217 (1)
271 (1)
Choleric-Phlegmatic (3)
Attitudinal Psyche
VLEF (1)
SLOAN (Big 5)
EIE (2)
ESI (1)
LSI (1)
We've found 7 comment(s) in this profile
3 year(s) ago
probably the only ENFJ that i actually like
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ENTP 7w8
3 year(s) ago
Clearly more extroverted than an INFJ with well-developed Fe. His inferior but remarkably solid and consistent Ti acts like an anchor for the civil indignations that he displays at rallies and interviews. Nonetheless, one of my all-time favorite human beings.
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3 year(s) ago
He's a clear ENFJ. His dominant function is clearly a Judging one- "The INFJ and ENFJ personality types share three of four personality preferences (N, F, J). They also use all the same functions (Ni, Fe, Ti, Se), differing only in their respective ordering. We should not, however, underestimate the implications of this different functional ordering. Namely, due to the fact that their Introverted Intuition (Ni) function is dominant, INFJs are best understood as “inner Perceivers” (see my post Rethinking Judging and Perceiving for more on this). Their primary purpose is to take in the world and understand it, rather than trying to shape or control it.
By contrast, ENFJs use Extraverted Feeling (Fe), which is a Judging function, as their dominant function. Thus, their foremost objective is not to understand the world, but to change or influence it, most commonly through their influence on people. Consequently, ENFJs tend to be quicker to judge and, at least initially, are apt to be less accurate in their perceptions than INFJs. Like all types with a dominant Judging function (e.g., all IP and EJ types), ENFJs sacrifice some measure of accuracy for speed."
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INTP 5w4
3 year(s) ago
I see too much Ti and Ni for him to be an ENFJ, but if you watch any of his live performances you'll see he has Se. I'm torn but I'll leave it at INFJ for now because of how apparent his Ni and Ti are.
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INFJ 3w2
3 year(s) ago
watching his interviews and stuff makes me feel like he's more of a thinker-function guy (Ti tertiary for INFJ's), which'd lead more to INFJ rather than ENFJ. even still, i can see why the latter could be the case
1 0
4 year(s) ago
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INTP 5w4
4 year(s) ago
Torn between ENFJ and INFJ.
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